Test Your Website’s Speed

With results for both mobile and desktop performance. Powered by Google.

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About your results

Page speeds can fluctuate. To get a good idea of your overall performance, run this test a few times at different parts of the day, over a couple days.

Understanding Your Page Speed Metrics

First Contentful Paint (FCP): This measures how long it takes for the first piece of content from your page to appear on the screen. Think of it as the moment when your visitor first sees something on your website, like a logo or a background image. The faster this happens, the sooner your visitors know that your site is loading.

Speed Index: Speed Index is a score that shows how quickly the content on your page is visibly populated. It takes into account everything that appears on the screen, from text to images. A lower score means your page loads faster and provides a better experience for your visitors.

Time to Interactive (TTI): Time to Interactive measures how long it takes for your page to become fully interactive. This means all the buttons, links, and other elements on your page are ready to be clicked and used. Faster TTI means visitors can start using your site without any delay, making it more user-friendly.

Total Blocking Time (TBT): Total Blocking Time measures the total amount of time between First Contentful Paint (FCP) and Time to Interactive (TTI) during which the main thread is blocked for long enough to prevent input responsiveness. In simpler terms, it’s the time your page is unresponsive to user interactions (like clicking or typing) because the browser is busy doing other things.

Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS): Cumulative Layout Shift measures how much your page’s layout shifts as it loads. If elements on your page move around unexpectedly while the page is loading, it can be frustrating for users. A lower CLS score means your page layout is more stable, providing a smoother experience for your visitors.

Why These Metrics Matter

Understanding these metrics can help you improve your website’s performance, making it faster and more efficient for your visitors. A faster website can lead to happier visitors, more engagement, and potentially higher sales or leads for your business.

For the best results, keep running this test periodically to monitor your site’s performance and make improvements as needed.

Optimize Your Site for Mobile with CornerClicks

CornerClicks has the expertise and tools to transform your website into a mobile powerhouse. Our team will:

  • Analyze your current mobile performance
  • Identify areas for improvement
  • Implement cutting-edge optimization techniques
  • Monitor and adjust strategies for continuous improvement

Ready to take your mobile experience to the next level? Contact CornerClicks today and let us help you make your website mobile-friendly and more effective than ever before.

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